After came back from travel or birthday party, record a lot video clips, want to merger the videos and share with friends. You can use this FREE Video application, Windows Movie Maker, to merger and edit your video clips .
Here the step by step tutorial for use Windows Movie Maker to merger and edit video :
1. Open Windows Movie Maker (normally it under, All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Windows Movie Maker ).
2. First go to Import your videos, on your left hand site, under Capture Video , click on Import video . Select the videos you want to merger & click Import .
3. After import, the videos will display in the Dashboard (center area).
4. Drag your videos in to Storyboard (bottom area).
5. You can add transitions between the 2 videos. Under Edit Movie (left hand site), click View video transitions .
6. The video transitions will appear on The Dashboard (center area).
7. Drag the video transition you want and drop it between 2 video clips on the storyboard below. You can
preview it through the Media player (on your right hand site).
8. Final step, to save the video. Under Finish Movie (left hand site), click on the Save to my computer . It will popup a window, enter a file name for your video and choose where you want to save your video. Then click Next . Select Best quality (normally this is default setting). Click Next , the video will save to your computer.
9. After finish saved, you can play the video and view. Enjoy your video.
Here the step by step tutorial for use Windows Movie Maker to merger and edit video :
1. Open Windows Movie Maker (normally it under, All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Windows Movie Maker ).
2. First go to Import your videos, on your left hand site, under Capture Video , click on Import video . Select the videos you want to merger & click Import .
3. After import, the videos will display in the Dashboard (center area).
4. Drag your videos in to Storyboard (bottom area).
5. You can add transitions between the 2 videos. Under Edit Movie (left hand site), click View video transitions .
6. The video transitions will appear on The Dashboard (center area).
7. Drag the video transition you want and drop it between 2 video clips on the storyboard below. You can
preview it through the Media player (on your right hand site).
8. Final step, to save the video. Under Finish Movie (left hand site), click on the Save to my computer . It will popup a window, enter a file name for your video and choose where you want to save your video. Then click Next . Select Best quality (normally this is default setting). Click Next , the video will save to your computer.
9. After finish saved, you can play the video and view. Enjoy your video.
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